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Lyme Disease

Floatation Therapy for Lyme Disease

Replenishing the body with magnesium could help relieve the effects of Lyme disease. Chronic sufferers of Lyme disease are often Magnesium deficient.  This deficiency alone has been known to contribute to headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure and diabetes.  Even worse Lyme’s sufferers can experience a condition known as a Herxheimer Reaction. This reaction occurs during the healing process and often intensifies the symptoms of Lyme disease.  The toxins released in the healing process are naturally excreted by the body through detoxification. Epsom salt baths are habitually recommended to those who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease for this exact reason.



Floating has shown to help those with Lyme’s rid these toxins from their bodies. During a float session, the body is in a water solution that is heavily saturated with magnesium sulfate. The sulfates are then absorbed into the body, through the pores of the skin, and increase the liver’s ability to rid the body of these toxins.

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Floatation Therapy for PTSD


PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental condition that frequently occurs after someone has witnessed or experienced an extremely terrifying, traumatic, or dangerous event. Commonly, this is a result of a traumatic event or series of events; such as sexual assault or other violent crimes, war, major accidents, or natural disasters.  Soldiers, first responders and emergency medical personnel experience high rates of PTSD.


Those suffering from PTSD can exhibit nervousness, anger, fear, guilt, depression and nightmares. These are typical symptoms that can increase over time for PTSD sufferers. Anxiety & panic disorders are also common for those with PTSD.


Float therapy has become a suggested alternative treatment for PTSD sufferers. Float therapy is best known for its relaxing and stress reducing capabilities, which benefit those with PTSD. Float therapy combines sensory deprivation with the sensation of weightlessness, allowing a person to experience a meditative state. While in this meditative state, brain waves are operating at lower frequencies, thus creating a safe and secure environment for the individual to relax in.



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Floatation Therapy for Pregnancy


Pregnancy is often a wonderful time for expectant mothers, but it comes with a variety of pains and side effects. Weight gain, back pain, hemorrhoids, and mood swings are all common symptoms associated with pregnancy. Float therapy is beneficial in alleviating many of these pregnancy-related symptoms.


Floating during pregnancy can help ease pains due to weight gain, increase the absorption of magnesium, and may even help with hormonal changes and mood swings.


Weight gain is normal during pregnancy, but it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Swollen ankles, sore feet, back and knee pain are often the result of weight gain during pregnancy. During a float session, the body becomes weightless, giving the back, knees, and other pain-ridden areas much needed relief.


Hemorrhoids & Swelling

Salt baths are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The heavily salted water used in float therapy is no exception. The anti-inflammatory nature of floating can help ease inflamed joints, swollen ankles, and hemorrhoids which are common during pregnancy.


​​Relaxation & Mood 

Pregnancy can be a very stressful time, and the hormonal changes in a pregnant woman, can heighten this level of stress. Floatation therapy can help with relaxation and mood swings. Sensory deprivation is naturally relaxing, freeing the body from external distractions such as light and sound. In addition, the magnesium absorbed during a float session can increase the amount of serotonin the body produces. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, regulating mood and emotion. Increased serotonin levels help to improve mood, leaving an individual happy and relaxed.


Added Bonus

There is a special bonding that can take place when an expectant mother experiences floating.  Not only can you hear your own heartbeat in this sensory reduced environment, you may be able to hear your baby’s heart beat!  Not to mention you are in an environment that is extremely similar to that of your baby’s.


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Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders


Most nights you toss and turn. It has been days, or maybe weeks, since you've slept properly. Maybe there’s a tough deadline to meet, you’re going through a crisis, or can’t “shut off” the thoughts swirling around in your head, as you lay in bed each evening.


Sleep disorders are most commonly stress-induced. Floating provides the body the opportunity for complete rest, allowing endorphins to be produced. In return, your mood begins to lighten. Cortisol levels decrease, as do your blood pressure and heart rate. Anxiety and stress begin to feel a sense of relief. Many people fall asleep during a float session as the cabin is dark and quiet. Theta-wave state is induced. Studies have shown that just one floating session can break an elongated pattern of insomnia.


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Floating and Spirituality


Perhaps you are looking for a way to revitalize your meditation practice, to gain insight into the big questions in life. You are trying to move away from the monotony of everyday life. You are seeking solitude, a quiet place where you can calm your inner thoughts and find peace, or perhaps move closer to God. Floatation therapy may provide this peaceful sanctuary in which you seek. While floating, people experience a theta brain wave state. This is only mimicked in deep meditation or momentarily in the twilight period just before falling asleep. And, the more relaxed and at peace an individual is, the more likely you are to find the solutions or spirituality you seek.


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Magnesium Absorption


Magnesium is necessary for a properly functioning body and plays an important role in cell health and various functions throughout the body. Float therapy is a natural, relaxing way to increase magnesium consumption. The water used in float therapy has a high concentration of magnesium, which gets absorbed through the skin during floating.


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Increasing Creativity and Performance Visualization Through Floatation Therapy


Floatation Therapy is increasingly being used by artists, athletes and professionals who want to work through a creative block or improve their performance. Perhaps you are an artist, executive, or an athlete, presenting tomorrow, playing a tournament, or attending an audition. The nervousness you feel in the pit of your stomach is overwhelming and you can't sleep. Writer's block may hit, and you begin to feel frustrated, at not being able to find the words. Or, perhaps you are an overworked parent, constantly on the go, and your children are clamoring for your attention, leaving no time to focus on yourself. Now, put aside all this, and imagine yourself alone, relaxed, and floating effortlessly. The quiet and darkness envelope you. Your nervousness slowly subsides, and your body begins to relax. Time has no meaning and you can slow down & float aimlessly.


During Floatation Therapy, the brain is freed from sensory input. There is no light, sound, touch, or even the pull of gravity. You enter the theta wave state and produce slower brain-wave patterns typically experienced right before falling asleep or during a deep meditation. While in this state, sudden insights, creative inspirations and clearer imagery begins to take place. You are better able to visualize an upcoming performance more clearly & vividly. You may achieve better mental clarity & be able to perform your routine in a completely relaxed state.


Theta wave state also enables "Super-learning", which is the ability to focus and absorb information more quickly. Students, executives, athletes, musicians or dancers, are better able to break through their creative blocks, allowing them to visualize new avenues for improvement while in a completely relaxed state.


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Floatation Therapy for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that can cause chronic pain, muscle pain and tenderness, increased sensitivity, sleep disorders, memory impairment and emotional distress. Non-drug treatment options can be a great benefit to people with fibromyalgia, and floatation therapy is emerging as a safe, effective non-drug treatment.


Pain relief

Due to the chronic, widespread pain of Fibromyalgia, pain relief is a major area of focus for treatment plans. One hour of floatation has been found to significantly reduce pain.


Sleep disturbance

Insomnia, restless leg syndrome and interrupted sleep, can plague individuals with Fibromyalgia. The resulting fatigue may also intensify other symptoms of the condition. Floating is commonly associated with better, deeper sleep the evening following each float session.


Cognitive Dysfunction

Impaired memory and lack of concentration are among the main symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Floatation therapy enhances brain function and creativity through increased blood flow and an increase in theta waves.


Sensitivities & skin sensations

Those living with fibromyalgia, may experience a sensitivity to bright light, loud noises, strong aromas, and their difficulty getting and staying warm may lead to a sensitivity to touch. Floatation provides a unique opportunity for sensory relief being as the cabins are sound proof, light proof and heated to body temperature.


Cramping and Muscle Spasms

Fibromyalgia is also associated with muscle pain and stiffness. Floatation has been shown to significantly reduce pain and discomfort due to muscle tightness as the body absorbs magnesium through the skin from the Epsom salt dense solution.


Emotional Distress

A large percentage of people living with fibromyalgia suffer depression, anxiety & emotional distress. Negative thoughts and stress are known to exacerbate the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Floating has been shown to aid in stress reduction by reducing cortisol levels and blood pressure. In addition, the deep relaxation achieved during floatation is effective in relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety. Decreased pain has also been shown to improve mood, even on a temporary basis.


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Decreased Physical Recovery Time with Floatation Therapy


Most people have heard of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, winners of back-to-back 2017 & 2018 NBA Championships, even if you are not an avid watcher of basketball. Undoubtedly, one of the Warriors’ most talented players, Stephen Curry, is greatly responsible for their success. While fans may be aware of Stephen Curry’s skills on the court, equally as many are unaware that Curry uses floatation therapy as a way to help his body recover from  basketball related injuries each season.


Curry isn’t the only athlete that utilizes floatation therapy for recovery. Increasing numbers of professional athletes are now turning to floatation therapy to help decrease recovery time from injuries and speed up their return to the field, court, ring, ice, or octagon. This includes athletes such as: Tom Brady, UFC Fighter Leslie Smith, and players from the 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros.


Physical Recovery with Floatation Therapy


Floatation therapy combines two widely known recovery techniques, Epsom salt soaks and meditation. Epsom salt baths, for years, were used to heal the body from aches and pains, while meditation was used to heal the mind.


Floatation therapy increases the benefits of the Epsom salt baths & meditation. Float therapy is also known as sensory deprivation because you’re enclosed in a tank or chamber that is free from any outside distractions, including light and sound. This sensory deprivation makes it easier for an individual to relax the mind & body into a meditative state.


The water used in a float tank is filled with a thousand pounds of Epsom salt, comprised of magnesium sulfate. The high salt concentration allows the body to naturally float without effort. For years, athletes have been soaking in Epsom salt tubs to ease sore muscles and stiffened joints. The Epsom salt solution also reduces lactic acid build-up. Floating has increased the effectiveness of this technique, thus leading to more positive results.


The recovery benefits of floatation therapy include:

- The reduction of muscle fatigue

- Improved blood flow & circulation

- Reduction in stress-causing cortisol levels

- Reduction of inflammation

- Reduction of lactic acid build-up


Your body can benefit from floatation therapy even if you’re not a professional athlete. Those who have been involved in a car accident or suffered a work or non-work related injury can benefit as well.


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Flotation Therapy’s Usefulness in Battling Addiction


Many individuals suffer from a wide variety of addictions, not all of which are easily identified. Compulsive behaviors or behavioral addictions can often be to things that are considered “normal” such as eating, exercise and shopping; however, there is a difference between someone who is occasionally over-indulging, and someone who cannot stop themselves. Regardless, these addictions and bad habits can be difficult to overcome. Floatation therapy has been used successfully to defeat a wide variety of addictions and bad habits in a positive way.


The primary way floatation therapy tackles addictions is by eliminating all external distractions. While floating, the individual is able to let go of all thoughts of their bad habits or addictions, through sensory deprivation. With the release of these negative thoughts, he or she can focus instead on creating positive habits and goals. Basically, as the biochemistry and the nervous system shift into a place of relaxation and expansion, the need for substances that are used for this purpose is lessened substantially. Since endorphins (pleasurable, happy chemicals) are released when you float, the biochemical “need” for pleasure is satisfied, thus reducing the need to seek out other ways of meeting this need.


While opiate withdrawal is generally treated medically, alternative therapies have also become popular. Many prefer alternative therapies in drug addiction treatment because they do not want to become dependent on another substance during withdrawal. Common alternative therapies include: meditation, creative visualization, breathing exercises, and yoga. Floatation is another alternative therapy that can assist in treating opiate addiction.


The reason that floatation helps with opiate withdrawal symptoms is because it helps the body maintain internal homeostasis. This produces endorphins as well as opiates in your body to reduce pain. In a sense, floatation assists in treating opiate addiction because it produces natural opiates in your body, relieving the symptoms of withdrawal. Floatation is also beneficial in treating the physical pain associated with opiate withdrawal. Thus, making it a great alternative treatment to pair with yoga and breathing exercises. While yoga & breathing exercises may improve your mental state, floatation provides a natural, physical relief from withdrawal symptoms.


Floatation helps your body to relax and produce natural chemicals because it takes the pressure off of your joints and muscles. This provides you with a natural relief that improves your physical and mental state without leading to further addictions. Floatation also helps you to positively motivate yourself toward specific goals such as quitting addictive behaviors. Floatation deprives you of external stimuli, which helps you become more focused and deeply relaxed. In turn, this will motivate you toward recovery. Floatation helps to heal your body both mentally and physically from addiction.


Studies have been conducted that show floating can also be an effective intervention technique for smokers who are motivated to quit. In fact, one study found that floating could cause a 50% reduction in smoking over a one-year period.


Floatation therapy has been shown to work well as a part of a successful weight loss program. Because of floatation therapy’s positive effect on endorphin production, floaters are more easily able to ignore withdrawal symptoms that may be associated with a tendency for overeating.


In addition to suppressing withdrawal symptoms, floatation therapy has been found to be highly effective in treating addictive behaviors because it is a flexible treatment that can be used to target complex, underlying, behavioral issues. In order to take advantage of the positive benefits, individuals with addictive behaviors should develop a pattern of regular float sessions. Preparation before each float session is useful in coming up with an intentional plan for meditation. For example, a smoker may choose to focus on how much healthier his or her life is without cigarettes. Once you enter the cabin or pod, focus on letting go of all of the desires associated with the addiction or habit, so you can relax & meditate on positive habits and goals.


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1350 Dorsey Road,  Suite G  Hanover, MD  21076

(410) 595-6908


© 2018-2024 Red Lotus Float Spa

Red Lotus Float Spa is not a medical facility.  It does not represent that it provides a cure to disease.  Anyone with health conditions or under medical supervision should be cleared by their doctor prior to their first appointment. 


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