It blows my mind that August is here, and we are still navigating pandemic waters with no real end in sight. Balancing the new normal of our everyday duties, physical, mental, and emotional well-being feels like a full-time job. I have used every tool in my “Stay Sane Tool Box.”

I have #meditated, #prayed, #floated, stayed in contact with friends and family, made new friends (you know who you are), started new traditions (Zooming with my Mom and kids every Sunday night to play dice), and contemplated how to be of service to my fellow humans. I have spent countless hours focusing on saving our small business and my sanity.
Most of all, though, I have counted my blessings. While I have friends who have contracted COVID and known someone who passed from it, my house has remained healthy. My 84-year-old mother, my husband who is high risk, my adult children, and my grandbabies have remained unscathed. I have food in my fridge, a roof over my head, and today all my needs are met. Bonus, I enjoy hanging out with my husband, and I don’t have to figure out how to teach school-age children while working a full-time job! My hats off to those of you that do!
One of the challenges we face is that the stress brought on by this pandemic can set us up to get sick by lowering our immune systems. There are tons of studies outlining the link between chronic stress and ill health, and stress is at an all-time high for many people. Even the CDC has a page on Stress and Coping with COVID19.
I understand that doing anything right now carries some level of risk, and everyone has to make these decisions for themselves. I want you to know that we are committed to safeguarding our clients and community and #RLFS is proudly committed to the Maryland Strong – Back to Business Pledge.
I like to believe that one of my #superpowers is that I can find the silver lining in any dark cloud! One of these silver linings is that I own a business that is tailor-made for pandemic relief.
There is strong evidence to suggest that floating and improved mindfulness can strengthen the immune system. If you have the opportunity, a float session might be the answer to what is ailing you. If not, try meditation or mindfulness. There are a lot of great books and podcasts on the subject. The book The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh helped me considerably. If you are interested, you can order on Amazon or purchase a copy when you come in to float.
The best news is that there are a few things about #floattherapy that generally make it safer than other wellness modalities.
According to the CDC, leading factors to high-risk activities are the inability to maintain 6 feet distance from other patrons, a large number of people in an area, lack of reliable and proper sanitizing. These are not causes for concern @RedLotusFloat, and here is why.
1. A #FloatTherapy or #InfraredSauna session is individual or with someone already in your circle of exposure. You are in a private room, and there is no clinician to interact with during the session.
2. Your exposure to others during your visit here is minimal. We even stagger start times to avoid interactions between clients in the lobby.
3. We are currently only scheduling at 50% capacity, leaving us with ample time to sanitize and disinfect between EACH client or set of clients, including all rooms used, #floatsuites, #infraredsaunasuite, bathrooms, and lobby.
4. We are continuously running air scrubbers with #hepafilters and #UV sanitation.
Check out this video to see what changes we have made to enhance your safety during your visit.

Floating is extremely helpful for de-stressing and clearing the mind. It can help you return to a sense of normalcy by finding time to refocus your attention and prioritize what’s important right now. Reducing your stress can strengthen your immune system and lead to a healthier you. I cannot imagine how I would feel if #floating wasn’t a part of my stress management. Thank goodness I don’t have to find out, and neither do you!
If you have any questions or concerns about floating safely, please do not hesitate to reach out to me – or 410-595-6908.
Stay well my #floatyfriends.